Monday, March 19, 2007

Fish in a barrel ...

Greetings again, folks. We thought we'd take a bit of time to shed some light on more of Mischler's ramblings. Turns out she's got a whole new spate of garbage we can use as fodder, notwithstanding an attempt at insult she took down regarding her opponent's hairline. While it doesn't surprise us that she'd do as much, it would be akin to us making jokes about her weight - it's just too easy and, quite frankly, juvenile.

Regardless, here we go. Just a couple of quite ones tonight. You can read the entire posts at Mischler's blog site, if you can bear it.
1. You, Keith Hall placed a copy of google map as the first document in the open records request as page one. This map shows the my home address. I did not request a map of my home in the Open Records Request to you. By placing this map in the open records request; you stated that you knew where I lived. That is a threat against my personal safety and the individuals that live in the household.

Now, the interesting thing about this is, Mischler herself made a clear threat to her ex-husband's family, using the children as tool in said threat. She won't own up to it now, but it was clear as day, and you can see our previous posts for proof. However, sending someone a Google map with their address on it is now a threat, according to Mischler. We've long since given up trying to guess what goes on in her brain, but we find this laughable enough that it needs no further comment - especially when you become aware that Mischler's own father threatened her ex-husband with bodily harm in front of a group of witnesses.

Here's the kicker, and another example of Mischler just being completely being oblivious to the truth:

Third, how you violated my Fourth Amendment rights when you and my ex husband Jonah Stevens conspired to have me falsely arrested

Once more, folks, Mischler was arrested because she made an attempt to abscond with the children. They were missing for nearly twenty four hours, with nary an attempt by Mischler to contact the custodial parent. It's pretty simple law, folks - it doesn't take a law graduate to understand it (though one would expect a law graduate to have some semblance of a clue, assuming they had any amount of integrity).

But there you have it. She set them up, we knocked them down - our work here is done. For now.

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